Swiss-Knfie of teams focused on making world a better place to live.

A passionate problem solver and perfectionist with a keen interest in game theory, who is committed to self improvement. Knowing the importance of taking calculated risks and accepting that mistakes are an essential ingredient in the recipie of growth and progress. Krutik is willing to push the limits and dedicate himself in embracing all challenges that come his way.

He is a people-first, CI-CD product manager and team leader with 4+ years of experience leading and working with cross-functional teams across a variety of B2C, B2B, and Platform industries. He has lead teams to create software products that people love to use, and that enable sustainable product-led businesses to grow organically.

He has an unique perspective on building products that are both technically sound and user-friendly. He is passionate about understanding user psycology and user behavior. He focuses on creating optimized immersive experiences that eases pain points, translates information and most importantly makes people happy. At the same time, He follows a data-driven approach to building products, using data and analytics to gain insights of the industry domain that reflects in the user behavior and he makes informed decisions that drive growth.

He has also mentored his collegues to help them develop the skills and knowledge they need to succeed. This has allowed him to understand the human psycological elements that reflects in his leadership skills and provides an insightful and valuable result of the product development process.