My Expertise and Tech Arsenal

Here’s a detailed list of technologies and tools I've worked with, reflecting my skills and experiences in software development, system design, game development, and more.

Development Tools & Software

  • React-Three-Fibre & Next.js

    Leveraging React-Three-Fibre for immersive 3D web experiences and Next.js for SSR and static generation, enabling fast, dynamic web applications.

  • MongoDB & Flask

    Utilizing MongoDB for its flexible, scalable document database system alongside Flask for creating robust Python web services.

  • AWS & Kubernetes

    Deploying applications on AWS for its comprehensive cloud services, and managing containerized applications with Kubernetes for orchestration.

  • Docker & Unity

    Using Docker for containerization to streamline development and deployment processes, and Unity for developing interactive 3D and 2D applications.

  • Unreal Engine 5 & Blender

    Crafting realistic environments and characters with Unreal Engine 5 and its advanced rendering capabilities, and modeling with Blender.

Programming Languages & Skills

  • C#, C++, Python3

    Proficient in C# for game development with Unity, C++ for performance-critical applications, and Python for scripting and data analysis.

  • HTML5, CSS, TypeScript

    Building user-friendly web interfaces with HTML5, CSS, and enhancing them with the capabilities of TypeScript for type-safe code.

  • Go, Rust, and Solidity

    Exploring Go and Rust for system programming and Solidity for smart contract development on blockchain platforms.

Project & Research Highlights

  • Astra: AR Powered AI Tour Guide

    An AR tour guide project that enhances visitor engagement by integrating interactive AR experiences, developed during a hackathon.

  • Blob: AI Teaching Assistant

    A project focused on personalizing the learning experience using AI, highlighting my work with OpenAI technologies.

  • Visuareal: WebGL Product Visualization

    Developed a web-based product visualizer using Three.js, demonstrating my skills in web rendering libraries for realistic product experiences.